Fellows 2021

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is proud to announce the Class of 2021 of Coastal Solutions Fellows (CSF). These six early-career leaders will develop collaborative solutions to address challenges along the Pacific Coast of Latin America.

The Coastal Solutions Fellows Program was designed to create a collaborative community of architects, planners, engineers, biologists and natural resource specialists who are passionate about the conservation and resiliency of coastal ecosystems. Every year, the Program selects six fellows from diverse backgrounds and sectors, addressing priority threats to shorebirds and their habitats.

Learn more about our Fellows and their projects in Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Peru, and Ecuador.

  • Juanita Fonseca

    Shorebird Ecologist
    Center for Research on Food and Development
    Ensenada de Pabellones, Sinaloa, México

  • Gustavo Diaz

    Urban Designer
    Virrilá Estuary, Piura, Perú

  • Ariadna Araúz

    Urban Planner
    Juan Díaz Area, Panama Bay

  • Andreina Pernía

    Ramsar Center for the Western Hemisphere
    Parita Bay, Panama

  • Eliana Montenegro

    Conservation Biologist
    Aves y Conservación
    La Segua, Ecuador

  • Marcela Argüello

    Desarollos Ecoforestal, S.A.
    San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

Coastal Solutions Fellowship Program

The Coastal Solutions Fellows Program builds and supports an international community to design and implement solutions that address coastal challenges across the Pacific Americas Flyway. Our main goal is to conserve coastal habitats and shorebird populations by building the knowledge, resources, and skills of Latin American professionals, and by fostering collaborations among multiple disciplines and sectors.