Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are candidates from the United States or Canada eligible to apply?

A: The CFS fellowship is only open to citizens and residents of Latin American countries. However, you can still participate as a foreign collaborator.

Q: I am an independent researcher and I would like to mentor a potential Fellow. Can I be a mentor without being based at a research institution, University, NGO or similar?

A: To provide the best available support to fellows, both the fellows and mentors should, to the best extent possible, be based in the same country and institution as the fellow. However, we understand that in some Latin American regions it is hard to find a suitable mentor or fellow at your home institution, or that suitable candidates might not be based at an institution. Therefore, it is important that you and the fellow properly justify why is it crucial that you become his or her mentor.

Q: Do I have to live in one of the countries of the Pacific Americas Flyway to apply for the Fellowship?

A: This is not a requirement. However, the projects should be implemented in the priority sites of the PAF. In addition, we will give priority to candidates who have a long-term vision to work on the Pacific Flyway.

Q: Should the pre-proposal be written in English or Spanish?

A: You can write the pre-proposal in either English or Spanish. Our team is bilingual.

Coastal Solutions Fellowship Program

The Coastal Solutions Fellows Program builds and supports an international community to design and implement solutions that address coastal challenges across the Pacific Americas Flyway. Our main goal is to conserve coastal habitats and shorebird populations by building the knowledge, resources, and skills of Latin American professionals, and by fostering collaborations among multiple disciplines and sectors.