Delivering Outstanding Conservation Impacts

The Coastal Solutions Fellows have led the signing of 37 collaboration agreements,13 conservation instruments, and 16 public policy mechanisms

This has resulted in direct conservation impact on 286,274 acres of shorebird habitat

Their efforts resulted in $3.43 million dollars in matching funds and new grants to continue and expand their initiatives

Published 33 peer-reviewed scientific papers  and 40 science communication articles

Delivered 158 conference presentations

Received 20 awards and professional recognitions

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Our Fellows value the power of networking

They have worked with 120 mentors and collaborators from 200 organizations in 18 countries 

Our Fellows work alongside communities to achieve longlasting conservation outcomes. Together they have:

19,473 people engaged in project activities, including workshops, meetings, festivals, and citizen science

1 million followers on their social media platforms combined 

275 media stories earned in both national and global outlets

Coastal Solutions Fellowship Program

The Coastal Solutions Fellows Program builds and supports an international community to design and implement solutions that address coastal challenges across the Pacific Americas Flyway. Our main goal is to conserve coastal habitats and shorebird populations by building the knowledge, resources, and skills of Latin American professionals, and by fostering collaborations among multiple disciplines and sectors.