Seminars, News and Events: learn more about updates from our fellows
Video: Emerging Initiatives for Shorebird Conservation: Lessons from the 2019 Coastal Solutions Fellows
In this webinar, held on January 5th, 2023, the 2019 cohort of Coastal Solutions Fellows presented the results, impacts, and lessons learned from their conservation projects implemented in Mexico, Colombia, and Chile.
Article: Punta Soldado, the Colombian Pacific Island threatened by El Niño phenomenon
Article (in Spanish) in the newspaper El País about the climate risks in Punta Soldado and the adaptation and coastal resilience efforts implemented in the area, highlighting the work of Ballantyne Puin and Johann Delgado, Coastal Solutions Fellows in Colombia.
Video: Scaling-up Nature-Based Solutions in Latin America
As part of the Coastal Solutions Summit in February 2023, we co-organized this Special Seminar with several departments of Cornell University and the Inter-American Development Bank, with the goal of bringing together professors, researchers, international students and fellows from Cornell, as well as experts from Latin America and finance specialists to find joint solutions for the challenges of climate change, biodiversity conservation, water, infrastructure, and financing.
Video: The Role of Engineering in Coastal Solutions
In this interview (in Spanish) organized by the Mazatlán School of Engineering, Alejandro Román Canul Turriza, 2020 Coastal Solutions Fellow, shares his perspectives on the role of engineering in the conservation and resilience of the coastal zone.
Article: Snowy Plover and Least Tern nesting areas protected with temporary fencing in Ensenada
This article by Pronatura Noroeste describes the joint actions that are being implemented on the beaches of Ensenada, Baja California to protect the nesting areas of these two species, an effort that began with the Coastal Solutions project of our 2019 fellow, Jonathan Vargas.
Article: Strengthening collaborations for wetland protection with the Municipalities of Curepto and Licantén
Article published by the Chilean Wildlife and Bird Observers Network (ROC) about the activities in collaboration with Juan Silva, 2022 Coastal Solutions Fellow, to advance governance instruments with local authorities for the protection of priority sites.
Scientific Publication: Does experimental seaweed cultivation affect benthic communities and shorebirds? Applications for extensive aquaculture
Article published in the journal Ecological Applications by Natalia Martínez Curci, 2019 Coastal Solutions Fellow, and collaborators, with scientific results on efforts to protect shorebirds in the context of seaweed farming in Chiloé, Chile.
Article: Flying Together is Better: A Story of Collaboration for Shorebirds
Article by Salvadora Morales, Conservation Specialist of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserves Network (WHSRN)/Manomet, where she describes the collaborative work with Onil Rodríguez, 2022 Coastal Solutions Fellow, for the monitoring and conservation of shorebirds in Honduras.
Article: Developing Bird Friendly Practices in Guatemala’s Shrimp Farms
Article by Varinia Sagastume, 2020 Coastal Solutions Fellow, published in the WHSRN bulletin, where she presents the initiatives of her project to establish strategies that allow for the protection of shorebird habitat in shrimp farms in Guatemala.
Scientific Publication: Loss of Coastal Ecosystem Services in Mexico: An Approach to Economic Valuation in the Face of Sea Level Rise
Article published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science by Alejandro Román Canul Turriza, 2020 Fellow, and collaborators, on the economic valuation associated with the loss of ecosystem services in Mexico due to sea level rise.

The Coastal Solutions Fellows Program builds and supports an international community to design and implement solutions that address coastal challenges across the Pacific Americas Flyway. Our main goal is to conserve coastal habitats and shorebird populations by building the knowledge, resources, and skills of Latin American professionals, and by fostering collaborations among multiple disciplines and sectors.