Scientific Publications by the Coastal Solutions Fellows
Canul-Turriza, R.A., Mendoza, E., Posada, G., Santos, G & Puc, F. 2020. Capítulo 30: Análisis de los cambios temporales en los sedimentos de las playas del estado de Campeche: una herramienta para la toma de decisiones. Gobernanza y Manejo de las Costas y Mares ante la Incertidumbre. Una guía para tomadores de decisiones. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche. RICOMAR.
Cruz-López M, Fernández G, Hipperson H, Palacios E, Cavitt J, Galindo-Espinosa D, Gómez del Angel S, Pruner R, Gonzalez O, Burke T, Küpper C. 2020. Allelic diversity and patterns of selection at the Major Histocompatibility Complex class I and II loci in a threatened shorebird, the Snowy Plover (Charadrius nivosus). BMC Evolutionary Biology. 20:114.
D’Urban Jackson J, Bruford MW, Székely T, DaCosta JM, Sorenson MD, Russo IRM, Maher K, Cruz-López M, Galindo-Espinosa D, Palacios E, DeSucre- Medrano AE, Cavitt J, Pruner R, Morales AL, Gonzalez O, Burke T, Küpper C. 2020. Population differentiation and historical demography of the threatened snowy plover Charadrius nivosus (Cassin, 1858). Conservation Genetics 21:287–404.
Eberhart-Phillips L, Cruz-López M, Lozano-Angulo L, Gómez del Angel S, Rojas-Abreu W, Küpper C. 2020. Individual-based field observations of morphology, life-history, and reproductive fitness in snowy plovers Charadrius nivosus. Scientific Data. 7:149.
Fernández, V., Canul-Turriza, R.A. 2020. Capítulo 31: Evaluación de inundación costera debido al incremento del nivel del mar en Ensenada, Baja California, México. En: Gobernanza y Manejo de las Costas y Mares ante la Incertidumbre. Una guía para tomadores de decisiones. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche. RICOMAR.
Martínez-Curci NS, Isacch JP, D’Amico VL, Rojas P & Castresana G. 2020. To migrate or not: Drivers of over-summering in a long-distance migratory shorebird. Journal of Avian Biology, 51: e02401.
Basso E, Drever MC, Fonseca J, Navedo JG., 2021. Semi-intensive shrimp-farms as experimental arenas for the study of predation risk from falcons to shorebirds. Ecology & Evolution 11: 13379-13389.
Canul-Turriza, R.A. 2021. Sistema Lagunar Huizache – Caimanero: Estudios para un plan de Manejo Hidrogeomorfológico. Impluvium UNAM, 7: 12 -18.
Kupán K, Székely T, Cruz-López M, Seymour K, Küpper C. 2021. Offspring desertion with care? Chick mortality and plastic female desertion in Snowy Plovers. Behavioral Ecology. 32:428–439.
Martínez-Curci N.S., García G.O., Marbán L., Simonetti P. & Zalba S. 2021. Shorebirds and Seabirds ecology and conservation. En: The Bahía Blanca Estuary: Ecology and Biodiversity (Fiori S & Pratolongo P, eds.). Springer Nature, Switzerland. ISBN-978-3-030-66485-5.
Bosarreyes, B., Sagastume-Pinto, K.V., & Rebecca McGuire. 2022.First nesting records of Wilson’s Plover (Charadrius wilsonia) in Guatemala. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133(4), 665-669.
Fernandez-Díaz, V., Canul-Turriza, R.A., Kuc-Castilla, A., Arrenguin-Rodriguez, A., Mejia-Pina, K.G., 2022. Impact of Sea Level Rise and Flooding in Two Key Mexican Coastal Cities. Fisheries and Aquaculture. Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations.
Fernández-Díaz Violeta, Canul-Turriza R.A., Kuc Castilla Angel, Arreguín-Rodriguez Gabriela, Mejía-Peña Karla.2022. Impact of Sea Level Rise and Flooding in Two Key Mexican Coastal Cities. Ocean Yearbook 36, Koninklijke Brill, The Netherlands.
Palacios E., Vargas J., Fernandez G., and M. E. Reiter. 2022. Impact of human disturbance on the abundance of non-breeding shorebirds in a subtropical wetland. Biotropica. 54, 1160–1169.
Schoenbeck, M. A., 2022. Mangroves as priority ecosystems to increase climate change resilience: challenges and opportunities in the Pacific of Guatemala. Ciencia, Tecnología y Salud, 9(2), 237-245.
Silva, J.A. et al. 2022 – Assessing the drivers of vessel tracking systems adoption for improved small-scale fisheries management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 226: 106265.
Vargas J., Ortíz-Serrato L., Manríquez-Castro C. I., and G. Ruiz-Campos.2022. First Specimen of the Nazca Booby (Sula granti) for the State of Baja California, Mexico. Western Birds 53:75-78.
Cavalli M., Martínez-Curci N.S., Baladrón A., Bó M.S., Chiaradía N., Peluc S.I. & Isacch J.P. 2022. Are novel ecosystems suitable habitats for native birds? Birds’ association with spontaneous vegetation patches in the argentinean pampas. Biodiversity and Conservation 31: 811-830.
Eberhart-Hertel LJ, Falcão Rodrigues L, Krietsch J, Hertel AG, Cruz-López M, Vázquez-Rojas KA, González-Medina E, Schroeder J, Küpper C. Egg size variation in the context of polyandry: a case study using long-term field data from snowy plovers. Evolution 77: 2590-2605.
Fernandez-Díaz, V., Canul-Turriza, R.A., Kuc-Castilla, A., & Hinojosa-Huerta, O. 2023. Loss of coastal ecosystem services in Mexico: An approach to economic valuation in the face of sea level rise. Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 9, fmars.2022.898904.
Loredo M.A., Martínez-Curci N.S., Bachmann S., & Isacch J.P. 2022. Primer registro de Corbatita Blanco (Sporophila leucoptera) para la provincia de Buenos Aires: nueva evidencia de una posible expansión de su rango de distribución hacia el sur. Nuestras Aves 67: 122-124.
Martínez-Curci N.S., Fierro P., & Navedo J.G. 2023. Does experimental seaweed cultivation affect benthic communities and shorebirds? Applications for extensive aquaculture. Ecological Applications: e2799.
May-Tzuc, O., Jiménez-Torres, M. A., Cruz y Cruz, A. del R., Canul-Turriza, R., Andrade-Durán, J. E., & Noh-Pat, F. 2023. Viabilidad del modelo de confort térmico adaptativo bajo condiciones de clima cálido subhúmedo: Ahorro energético en refrigeración en Campeche, México. Hábitat Sustentable, 13, 120–131.
Schoenbeck, M. A., Pineda-Posadas, E.A., Quintana, Y.O., Castillo-Cabrera, F.J., 2023. Fishers’ perception on armoured catfish (Pterygoplichthys spp.) invasion: ecologic and socioeconomic impacts in an estuarine protected area in Guatemala. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, 18: 76-92.
Vega, M., Buchan, S., Olavarria, C., Ramos, M., & Valladares, M. 2023. Preliminary characterization and diel variation of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) downsweep calls off Isla Chañaral, northern Chile. Marine Mammal Science, 39: 1313–1323.
The Coastal Solutions Fellows Program builds and supports an international community to design and implement solutions that address coastal challenges across the Pacific Americas Flyway. Our main goal is to conserve coastal habitats and shorebird populations by building the knowledge, resources, and skills of Latin American professionals, and by fostering collaborations among multiple disciplines and sectors.