Webinars, News and Events

In this section we will share webinars, news, articles and online events from our fellows and partners all along Latin America.

  • America and its Shorebirds during the 4th Shorebird Festival of Ecuador.

    Webinar organized by Aves & Conservación on the efforts along the Americas for the conservation of shorebirds. The event included the participation of Varinia Sagastume (CSF 2020) and Sharon Montecino (CSF 2019). In Spanish.

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  • To migrate or no, that’s the question!

    Aves Argentinas hosted this webinar by Natalia Martínez Curci (CSF 2019) on the migration and over-summering strategies of Red Knots. In Spanish.

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  • The Tubul-Raqui Wetland could be declared a Nature Sanctuary.

    News article on the progress of this community-based conservation initiative by Manuela Erazo (CSF 2020) and team in Chile. In Spanish.

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  • Announcement on the support for municipalities for the protection of urban wetlands.

    News article on the efforts by Flavio Sciaraffia (CSF 2020) and team to protect urban wetlands in Chile in collaboration with local authorities. In Spanish.

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  • Conservation of Parita Bay in Panama

    Web story on the project of Andreina Pernia (CSF 2021) and the Ramsar Regional Center for the Western Hemisphere, her host institution, to protect Parita Bay in Panama. In Spanish.

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  • Artificial habitats, a conservation strategy with socioeconomic and productive benefits

    News article on the project of Varinia Sagastume (CSF 2020) to protect shorebird habitat at shrimp farms in Guatemala. In English and Spanish.

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Coastal Solutions Fellowship Program

The Coastal Solutions Fellows Program builds and supports an international community to design and implement solutions that address coastal challenges across the Pacific Americas Flyway. Our main goal is to conserve coastal habitats and shorebird populations by building the knowledge, resources, and skills of Latin American professionals, and by fostering collaborations among multiple disciplines and sectors.