Check out our call-for-applications 2018
Announcing the Call-for-Applications to join the first cohort of Coastal Solutions Fellows
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology in collaboration with the David and Lucile Packard Foundation are pleased to announce the Call-for-Applications to become a Coastal Solutions Fellow. The Coastal Solutions Fellowship supports early-career Latin-American architects, planners, engineers and scientists that are implementing collaborative solutions to tackle coastal threats along the Pacific Americas Flyway. We will support collaborative projects that have a focus on conserving shorebird populations and their coastal habitats. Such projects require The long-term goal of this fellowship is to create a community of professionals.
Are you a latin american planner, architect, engineer or scientist working on coastal habitats? Do you have an collaborative idea to tackle a coastal threat that will benefit shorebird populations? We want to hear your project ideas. Coastal fellows will receive a two-year monthly stipend, project funds, mentoring support, as well as profesional development retreats and international development opportunities.
We are now accepting pre-proposal submisions — a two page project idea that will be reviewed by a Committee. Candidates that submit project ideas in line with the goals of the program will be asked to submit a full proposal with all the details of their project. The deadline to submit your preproposal project idea is March 15, 2017.
Download the call-for-applications here and visit our «Become a fellow» and «how to apply» apply for more details on how to apply.

El Programa de Becarios para Soluciones Costeras construye y apoya a una comunidad internacional para diseñar e implementan soluciones que abordan los desafíos costeros a lo largo de la Ruta Migratoria del Pacífico. Nuestra meta principal es conservar los hábitats costeros y las poblaciones de aves playeras mediante el desarrollo del conocimiento, los recursos y las habilidades de profesionales latinoamericanos, y el fomento de colaboraciones entre diversas disciplinas y sectores.